Hello, I’m

Andy Eninger

and I’m making this all up as I go.
(But aren’t we all?)

Hello, I’m

Andy Eninger

and I’m making this all up as I go.
(But aren’t we all?)


Solo Improvisation

Speaker Coaching

Andrew homepage about

A few words about me

I’m a Virgo stereotype with Aquarius days.
I’m gluten free, queer, and really into high intensity cardio.
Cancer survivor.
Slayer of inner critics.
Former Chicagoan.
Former Ohioan.
Current Los Angel-alien?

And I think you have a story to tell.

I work with presenters and improvisers to help them perform better.
I’ll help you understand and build on your strengths and give you the confidence to discover and to tell your story, no matter what kind of audience you’re facing.


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